custody designations & GuardIANship

Sometimes a relative or other interested person has serious concerns for the care of a child.  This may cause a sense of hopelessness without understanding the legal possibilities of a non-parent.  Under certain limited situations, the issue of the rights of persons other than the parent of a child may be addressed at court. There are many different areas of laws that may serve to assist non parents with respect to custody designations, guardianship, and visitation.  For example, a person other than a parent may file a petition for allocation of parental responsibilities if the child is not in the physical custody of one of his or her parents.  Additionally, in limited situations a petition for visitation of a minor child may be filed by grandparents, great- grandparents, step-parents, and siblings if there has been an unreasonable denial of visitation by a parent.  It is important to have the knowledge of the law in order for non-parents to make appropriate decisions considering the best interest of the children that they love.  Laura A. Epstein & Associates, LLC is able to educate non-parents on their legal possibilities.